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Bespoke Support to suit your needs

Bespoke Support to suit your needs


Alexandra House provides overnight respite, day and domiciliary support services for both men and women with learning and physical disabilities, from the age of 18 and over. We offer wrap around support packages, tailored to suit the needs of the individual so that they can get the most out of our services.



We Value People

The warmth and attentiveness of our staff is evident from the minute you walk through the door. We provide a service which can be considered as home away from home. We offer a comprehensive package of support, which is modelled on individuality, creativity and is outcome focused. We are a small organisation who is passionate about helping people make progress through trust. We want individuals to feel comfortable enough to let go of their anxieties so they can experience and enjoy learning new things.





Respite Services​

Whether it’s for respite or day service, those who come to us are first and foremost made to feel welcome and at home. In our house, learning is all about the individual. Everyone has different learning speeds and styles, and this is at the centre of our approach. This is where one-to-one support is beneficial, because it means that individuals can be assigned their own key worker, who will work with them each time they visit.








Domiciliary Services

Our domiciliary services can range from as little as one hour per week, to 24/7 live-in care. The package we create will be bespoke to meet the needs of individuals. Prior to using our service, we like to get to know prospective individuals so that we can match them to their support worker. This matching process includes considerations of gender, language and culture.  






If you have any questions or would like more information,
our friendly and experienced staff team will be happy to help.
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